Mealtime Matters Ambassadors
Mealtime Matters Ambassadors

Meet our Ambassadors
We’ve teamed up with real parents to bring to life our Mealtime Matters resources. Follow their journey’s with us as they approach weaning for the first time, introduce new foods, try out tasty recipes and tackle all the fun and challenges that weaning can bring!
There will be lots of tips and advice along with possibly a mix of laughter and dramas along the way – we all know what an interesting time weaning can be!
Scroll down to meet our family of Mealtime Matters ambassadors and don’t forget to follow them on socials to keep up to date with how they are getting on!

Charlotte is mum to two gorgeous girls and is currently on maternity leave with her youngest daughter Paloma who recently started weaning. Her eldest daughter, Peaches, is 2 years old and you can find her on Instagram at @peaches_and_paloma where she talks about her weaning journey and general mum-life. Charlotte followed baby-led weaning when she started solids with Peaches and loved it and is following the same route again with Paloma. She also had to get clued up quickly on allergies and how to spot a reaction and manage it as Peaches (and now Paloma) both have them. Charlotte is doing it all…starting out on her weaning journey with Paloma and tackling fussiness with her 2 year old. We know she’s got this!

Lauren is an ‘outnumbered’ mum of two boys! Theo, her eldest, is 6 years old and at school and Leon is 1 year old and progressing well through weaning. He’s in the ‘messy’ phase of weaning as he’s exploring lots of new foods. She lets him be as adventurous as he’s willing to be, trying different things – some things are going down better than others! They’re both having lots of fun with it. Follow her at @Mummydiarys.

I’m Faye (Mummy to Amelia 3 and Albie 8 months).
Amelia is a massive veggie lover and of course loves the sweet stuff (who doesn’t). Albie loves his milk so is taking a teeny bit longer to get into the swing of solids but we are getting there.
I first started my instagram page a good few months into weaning Amelia and I have not long restarted it up again from the beginning of the weaning process with Albie.
My page is there to give other parents a realistic approach to cooking, baking and selecting appropriate foods along with any difficulties I come across. Follow at babies.that.munch

Hi, my name is Ria. I have two beautiful girls! Everly who is 2 and Addison who is 6 months old. I baby led weaned Everly when she was younger so have chosen this route again with Addison! I will be sharing this exciting journey on my Instagram – ria_elliss, alongside motherhood tips and tricks & day to day life!

Kimberley is mum to a lovely 2 year old little boy and describes herself as ‘winging her way through parenthood’…we think she’s doing pretty well 😊 A trained lawyer, Kimberley is used to balancing being a mum with working life and has recently taken the plunge to work more as a parenting blogger. You can follow her @winging.momlife

Hi, I’m Chris, a first-time dad, navigating the highs and lows of fatherhood, winging it as I go. Laurence is 7 months old and so far, his weaning journey has been an enjoyable experience, although extremely messy! Follow our journey on my Instagram account@dadology

I am Daisy, mum to two beautiful children. My eldest, Primrose, is going to be three in June. Lenny is 7 months old and absolutely loving eating! Before having children I was a full time primary school teacher. I’m currently on maternity leave and will be teaching part time once again in September. We live in rural Lincolnshire with Daddy (Ben) and our springer spaniel Alfie.
Lenny is doing baby led weaning (Primrose also did) and we are all enjoying the process. I find it absolutely fascinating watching a baby feed themselves! Primrose is more particular now about what she eats and certainly has a sweet tooth (a bit like me) but I continue to expose her to a variety of foods and she often surprises me by trying things I thought she might reject. Follow me @thebabyledmum