Holiday essentials with Holiday Tots
Are you going away this summer? Holiday Tots, the child-friendly holiday specialists, talk about a few travel goodies for babies and toddlers you won’t want to leave behind!
Travelling with little ones can be daunting but there are so many amazing products on the market that you really don’t need to stress about it. Whether it be a road trip to the grandparents or a long-haul holiday there is something to make travelling with young children that little bit easier. Bronwyn, from child-friendly holiday specialists, Holiday Tots, talks about a few handy products that might help on your next family holiday.
We’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively with my now 3 year old, her first trip was to Nice when she was just 3 weeks old – I remember the amount of luggage we had for that trip! Everything other than the kitchen sink, which made hiring a car quite tricky. I now travel on my own with Georgia and have managed to downsize quite considerably. Here are my go-to must have’s when travelling with a baby or toddler.
Babyzen Yoyo Stroller
The product I won’t go abroad without is my Babyzen Yoyo stroller – even if she doesn’t use it while abroad (she’s at that independent stage where she wants to walk everywhere) it is an absolute godsend at the airport at both ends. I actually saw the Babyzen Yoyo on that trip to Nice and got one as soon as we got back. It is light, compact and comfortable (it has an amazing recline, so great for sleeping too). The best thing is being able to take it onboard the plane with you, meaning as soon as you get off – you’re able to strap your little one in while you navigate around the airport.
If you’ve heard about the Sleepyhead you will know the reviews are brilliant. They come with a nifty travel bag (from £58) meaning you can check in your sleepyhead as one of your 2 free items when travelling with little ones. Means your little one’s sleep routine won’t be disturbed as they will feel just like they’re at home. They’ve also just released their Cabana Kits which look amazing. They are for use with the Deluxe + Pod. They have a waterproof base, have a retractable sun shade a hideaway bug screen. Perfect for when travelling.
If your child is at the weaning stage – mealtimes can be a nightmare – will the restaurant or hotel have a highchair ? We tried out the Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit booster which is great not only when travelling but perfect for eating outside in the garden, picnics or if you pop over to a friend (who doesn’t have kids) for a meal. We’ve even use it on a plane when Georgia was small – it’s a great way of keeping them strapped in.
Tidy Tot Bibs
Another must have is a decent bib – not only for meal times but for any messy play or crafts while away. The Tidy Tot Long Length Coverall Bib is suitable for babies and toddlers, it is one of the longest on the market and has a nifty pocket with side poppers which come in very handy when you need to clean it. It also comes with a purse that you can pack it away in – you can attach it to your buggy or bag with a carabiner clip meaning it’s there when needed.
Travel Must-Haves
We love the idea of the Trunki or Jet Kids Bedbox when your kids get a little older. Georgia is now old enough to sit on the Bed Box and be pulled around the airport – she also loves being able to pack her own goodies in her bag and pull it around the airport. Both the Trunki and Bedbox fit under the seat in front of you – with the Jet Kids Bed Box extending the seat and transforming into a bed – please note that not all airlines allow the use of the bed box – so please check with your airline before purchasing one.
Car seats are big and bulky but one of the things you have to think about when travelling with babies and toddlers. I bought a lightweight car seat that I use while travelling as hiring one with your hire car can be costly and you never know if they’ve been involved in an accident or the condition they will be in. For older kids (from 4 years) you can look at the Trunki Boostapak or the Mifold grab and go booster which are compact and perfect while travelling.
When it’s time for your little ones to go to bed, make sure you have a decent travel monitor to put your mind at ease – I use the Summer Infant Liv Cam which is brilliant – it is portable, connects to your mobile or tablet on its own wifi network and range of over 70m. I also recommend the Gro Anywhere Blackout Blind – there is nothing worse than the sun waking your little one up at 4am while on holiday !! The Gro Anywhere blackout blind is portable and adapts to fit windows up to 130 x 198cm.
The Snoozeshade is a godsend with younger kids. We used the Snoozeshade Plus Deluxe on Georgia’s first trip to South Africa when she was 4 months old – it was perfect when out and about in the buggy as it was the middle of summer over there and it kept her cool. Read our review here.
Last but definitely not least, a fully loaded tablet (with child friendly headphones) with your kids favourite programs on it. Lots of games and sticker books for the journey and snacks, lots of snacks! Keep’em quiet do some really great entertainment packs that are full of activities and snacks for girls and boys (age appropriate).
Holiday Tots are a family company passionate about traveling with young children. They have over 30 years’ experience of travelling with kids. Their website is full of fabulous child-friendly holidays both in the UK and abroad and their new online magazine packed full of useful information about travelling with kids.