What is intuitive Weaning?
Many parents can feel a lot of pressure to ‘get it right’ when it comes to weaning. With the perfect and beautifully created images we see all over social media, there comes a fear of not quite measuring up. However, weaning does not have to be a struggle. Intuitive weaning is about listing to your baby’s cues, trusting your instincts, and making decisions based on your needs and those of your baby, rather than taking your lead from outside sources.
Whether baby Led weaning, spoon feeding or wanting to go your own way with it, the internet is full of ‘rules’ to follow when Weaning, but the truth is that every baby is different, and one size definitely doesn’t fit all when it comes to how to wean. By learning to read your baby’s cues and behaviour, you’ll become more confidence in your choices. Your baby will let you know when they are ready for weaning , what approach they prefer and when they may be ready to move to the next stage. If you’re not sure what signs to look for when it comes to knowing if your baby is ready for solids, you can check out our blog post here.
Jo Weston, founder Baby Led Kitchen, author and creator of the Baby Led Kitchen App is passionate about keeping weaning realistic and advocates that whatever method you follow, allow yourself to adapt it to fit in with the reality of your day. Jo’s cookbook, ‘Intuitive Weaning’ is a fantastic resource to help give you the confidence to wean your baby the way you want to whilst also providing some amazing recipes! To find out more about Intuitive Weaning and access to hundreds of recipes you can do so here.
Our advice? Be realistic with the expectations you set for yourself and for your baby. Many babies will not finish a full meal, and some days don’t want to try a thing, and that’s okay! Often social media creates a ‘perfect’ scenario that just isn’t reality. Babies can have a dip in their appetite for many reasons, and as their parent you know your baby best.
You can also make things that little bit easier by investing in the right equipment, and in a recent survey 8 out of 10 parents found mealtimes with our award-winning Bib & Tray Kit more enjoyable, easier, and less stressful. Most importantly – remember that no-one knows your baby like you do – trust your instincts and enjoy the journey 😊