Two-Ingredient Pancakes

Two-Ingredient Pancakes

Two-Ingredient Pancakes

If you have some brown bananas lying around, here’s the perfect recipe to make use of them instead of throwing them away. These pancakes work best with ripe bananas as they make the pancakes taste sweeter for babies! Give it a try and let us know what you think 😊

You will need:
1 Medium sized banana
2 Medium sized eggs

How to make:
1. Place your banana into a bowl and mash it up so the texture becomes as smooth as possible.
2. Crack two eggs into a separate bowl and whisk.
3. Add your mashed banana into the egg mix and mix together.
4. Make sure your pan is hot and then add your mixture into the pan. (We used less mixture to create mini pancakes)
5. Add any leftover fruit in your fridge as a topping!

That’s it! If your little one is unable to finish off all the pancakes, make sure you freeze them ready for another day.