Baby Laksa

Baby Laksa

Baby Laksa

About this recipe

A gorgeous recipe from the lovely Zenia at @theflavouracademy. Take a look at our meal plan here for quick guide to starting weaning! Download here as part of your Mealtime Matter journey.


• 1 ½ cups Mixed Vegetables ( Sweet potatoes, Green Beans, Courgette, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot, Red Pepper)
• 200ml Full Fat Coconut Milk
• 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
• ¼ tsp Turmeric Powder
• ½ tsp Mild Curry Powder
• Optional: Cooked Shredded Chicken, Noodles, Rice


1. Heat a medium-sized saucepan – add coconut oil, mixed vegetables and ground spices. Sauté for 5-7 minutes.
2. Add coconut milk, cover and simmer for further 5 minutes. Add chicken, noodles/rice at this point.
3. Mash/blend for desired consistency
4. Cool and serve.
Note: Can be blended to desired consistency